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Over the past 40 years, Tom Roos has done in-depth research on the art of clowning, during which, together with others, he developed the concept of Clown Minimalist.


The Clown Minimalist is a copy of ourselves, but more open, more naive, more fragile, more spontaneous. He’s in direct contact with the public, here and now. His world can be redefined at any moment and the line between reality and imagination is invisible.


In this lab, to find our clown, we’re not putting on a disguise.
Instead, let us take off our disguise and our masks; let us get rid of the armour we learned to wear during our education to become a serious person.

We will learn to play in depth with our body, we will let the impulse of movement precede the word, the impulse of action precede thought.


This Laboratory has a strong component aimed at creating numbers or preparing shows within the language of the clown. In a second phase of the workshop several hours of study will be dedicated where students will learn how to create and develop a clown sketch. Taking into account the creative and expressive universe of each student, Tom Roos will guide the process of building an act, which the students will be able to present at the end of the workshop in a presentation open to the public.

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As players, we see ourselves as a moving image. With our fellow players we look for a rhythmic sequence of strong images, directing us to the imagination of our audience. On the one hand, there are exercises of liberation, of acceptance, of eliminating self-censorship, of generosity, of giving a fundamental yes to oneself, to one’s audience and to one’s fellow players. On the other hand, we exercise precision, a way of clearly drawing our play.

We are already preparing the next Laboratories that will take place in Portugal in 2020 and 2021. 

We are waiting for you for two weeks of deep immersion in the art of the minimalist clown. 


The work is intense and will be divided in two essential moments: a first moment destined to the formation and initiation to the art of the minimalist clown and a second moment, the research developed around the creation of clown moments or small sketches.


At the end, there will be a final presentation open to the community.

The Clown Lab aims to be an annual moment of meeting, sharing and stimulating the art of clowns at a national level and also to promote the meeting of participants from around the world.
No previous experience is required to participate in both weeks.
Participants who wish to participate in the second week must have previous experience or have already attended a course with Tom Roos.


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